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WB Madhyamik 2019 Last Minute Suggestions

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THE BEEDI WORKERS WELFARE FUND 1 RULES, 1978,   Download Beedi Form   Click Here In exercise of the powers conferred by Sec. 12 of  2 [the Beedi Workers Welfare Fund Act, 1976]; the Central Government hereby makes the following rules, namely: 1.         Vide G.S.R. 1232, dated 25th September 1978, published in the Gazelle of India, Pt. II, Sec. 3 (i), dated the 7th October, 1978, pp. 2319-33, 2.         Subs. by G.S.R. 703, dated 6th August 1982 (w.e.f. 21st August, 1982), published in the Gazette of India, Pt. II, Sec. 3(i), dated 21st August, 1982. CHAPTER-I General: 1.         Short title and commencement: (1)        These rules may be called the Beedi Workers Welfare Fund Rules, 1978. (2)        They shall come into f...


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